What's the difference between the Regional and Local WMMP?

    The regional plan is a plan that the eight regional councils along with manu Whenua, community and buisnesses can work together to manage and reduce the amount of waste we are producing.

    The local action plan is written for the Wairarapa as a joint plan and is specific to the needs of our region, so we can work towards meeting the needs of our community and move away from just managing waste by recycling and disposing and into reducing the waste we produce and works to improve actions that are already in place. 

    How are these actions paid for?

    There are a number of ways that we will be looking at funding these actions.

    Waste Levy - Some of the money we pay to dispose of waste to landfill is paid back to Councils to use on waste minimisation activities.

    Targeted and general rates

    Central Government funding 

    Fees and charges for disposal of waste.